Monday, January 11, 2010

Online Cheese Shop Online Shop - Perishable Goods,?

Online shop - Perishable Goods,? - online cheese shop


My company deals with the disposal of any of our products through our website because it is listed in major supermarkets. It remains a popular product, but I'm not clear on the right direction, that we must respect that. The product is a hard cheese that we sell on our website with Pay Pal as an "agent" of the payment, etc. Since this requires a hard cheese that is not needed and stored in the refrigerator delivery, but it is a law that Goods shipped cheese in the refrigerator, etc.?

Would anyone can information about links from this site shares be useful, so I tried the FSA, but I'm still not clear, can help someone


SGElite said...

In general, you are not prompted to sell goods online impermanent. Most countries require is the appropriate authorizations for perishable goods. Also do not want to be sued for not selling to "" of goods.

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